Off we go: Development restart!

After taking a couple of days off and then playing around with the level layout and general flow for a bit, I restarded development today in earnest and to commemorate that, I wanted to try my hand at a devlog. I don't know how many of these I'll do, so please bear with me! I hope to finish the full game sooner rather than later, so I'll try to make steady progress.

Today, I created a flag system for the game, which it sorely needed. As long as you stick to one room, everything is fine, but once you start switching between rooms and levels, logic is bound to become complicated.

I say "system", but in reality it's just nested structs. Often, simple stuff works best. If I had thought about this, I could've implemented it much more elegantly, but the point of Fatal Fap is to just go and make a game and figure this stuff out along the way. So, that's what I did and in the process I successfully transferred all the logic from Nixxxy's room to this flag struct, meaning that from now on, we can actually move between rooms and keep track of what happened! Honestly, this worked so well that I don't even want to think about it how people did this before Game Maker got structs...

Oh, and one more thing, to anyone who downloaded the demo within the first few days: The demo had a minor bug that kept the start screen, controls and intro from showing up. So if you scratched your head at what's going on and how to control the game, it now actually tells you! I like the intro a lot, so if you have a spare minute, please give it a look!

That'll be it from me for now. I'll try to make another one of these when I've made significant progress.


BM_FatalFap.exe 82 MB
Sep 23, 2023 69 MB
Sep 23, 2023

Get Bondage Mermaids - Fatal Fap

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